воскресенье, 19 мая 2013 г.

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The headline of the article is «Who are the nicest people in pop?». The article was published by Adam Boult. The article is dated the 16th of May 2013. The main idea of the article to inform us about your pleasant meetings with stars from the world of music. Yesterday's blog on unsocial, unpleasant and rude pop stars – yielded some great stories from readers.
However, we've had enough of all this negativity now. We want to hear about musicians who have been exemplars of decency. Have you had any run-ins with surprisingly nice pop stars? Here's a few shared with us by
@guardianmusic followers on Twitter:
@shbib Waiting at the venue for a Revenge gig we were approached by legendary Bass Viking Peter Hook. 'Alright lads?' he smiled.
@AllanNersessian On a flight to Yugoslavia saw Cliff Richard few rows in front. Asked for an autograph, bodyguard said no, Cliff said yes
@loverproof I handed George Michael his snazzy headphones back after he left them on a flight and he told me to keep them. Whaddaguy.
@JLucas86 I wrote an article about Abs from Five and his amazing hat on The Big Reunion. He read it and sent me the hat in the post.
@caseewilson Skunk Anansie all signed a poster for my 21st birthday at a gig in Manchester. Skin even drew a cake :) Made my night!
I think that our many stars, it is very good people. But I can't precisely claim because much to my regret I had no meeting with anybody from our and foreign stars.

1 комментарий:

  1. "I think that our many stars" - many of our stars.
    Source of the article is not mentioned.
    "run-ins" - ?
    Different scripts.

