воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Summary 3

Then Stroeve went to narrator’s home and told him that his wife left him, the narrator was surprised and he wanted to kill Strickland. Stroeve told the story that he asked Strickland to left his house, Charles began to pick his surroundings, Blanche told to Stroeve that she left home together with Strickland. Stroeve began to persuade her to stay with him, but she remained steady. Than Stroeve decided to leave her, because he didn’t want a bad live for her. 6 months ago   Stroeve rushed in the narrator’s house. He told that Blanche committed suicide and she was in a hospital. They visited her, but she didn’t want to see them. During several days she dead. Stroeve was in despite and decided to be alone. Several days ago Stroeve visited to the narrator and told him amazing story.

1 комментарий:

  1. It's getting better!
    Mind the sequence of tenses, pls!
    ... THE narrator's home ...
    ... told hime that his wife HAD left him ...
    ... told the story-TELLERthat he HAD asked...
